
I2P network speeded up

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Количество просмотров 76K

Recently, various laws have been introduced in Russia to restrict human freedom of speech, including on the Internet..

Unfortunately, there are no methods to combat such arbitrariness, (more precisely, there is, but no one wants to go to prison?), but in our world there are ways to bypass certain rules.

One good example of such a bypass is the anonymous I2P network.
Many have heard about it, and some may have tried it themselves, but unfortunately, previous versions of the official network client worked So slow.

This prompted people to refuse to use this network.
But in the latest version 0.9.4, (released 2012-12-17) happened dramatic changes in work speed anonymous network.

Due to the fact that many people are too busy to install and configure a client for the I2P network, I decided to make a short video that shows the network speed after the update.

PS To access the network, Dual Access is used (access to the regular Internet directly and to i2p sites through a client) this is implemented through Privoxy, if anyone is interested in this, I can tell you in the next article.

List of changes in the new version of I2P
Official website of the I2P project
Всего голосов 118: ↑92 и ↓26 +66
Комментарии 194

Comments 194

The topic of the article is not covered (I didn’t watch the video). I would like to see in the article what the speed was before the update and what it was after.
With the help of the video, I precisely wanted to show that the browsing speed after the update is close to the speed on a regular network.
The network specification does not allow for speed measurements as such, due to the fact that the tunnels change every 15 minutes and the speed will jump accordingly.

If you have an idea on how to better demonstrate the speed of work, suggest it and I’ll do it.
Average loading time (based on the debugger in Chrome, for example) per 10 launches for several popular sites. With all the content, of course, and not just html. And preferably everything at different times, since the tunnels change there.

Plus the same measurements for regular Internet.

Not particularly objective, but understandable characteristic.
Which tab to freeze in the developer interface?
Network tab. At the bottom there is a line containing summary information: how many requests have been made, how much data has been downloaded and for how long.
Do you mean “popular sites”? I2P is not TOR, not an anonymizer, but its own network, its own sites. There is an outproxy, of course, but this is a purely auxiliary service.
In the sense of “popular sites».
Then what to compare with??
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
This is not a browser, this is the effect when recording from QuicTime+Chrome, where will I measure pings? this is I2P there are no IP addresses.
The video has been replaced. no blinking now.
If anyone is interested in this, I can tell you in the next article.

Tell us. The more informative articles on the topic of anonymous networks, the better.
To get them banned quickly?
— but in our world there are ways to bypass certain rules.

I don’t understand why they write this on Habré. Almost all programmers here, from a programmer’s point of view, such an action is called a “hack”. Crutch. Gradually the number of crutches grows and along with it the application stops working normally, and then everything completely collapses.

There are normal ways to deal with domain changes. It is necessary to rewrite part of the application according to changes in the outside world. Go to the polls. Participate in the political life of the country. Not five minutes, but many, years. Yes, this is not interesting, you can’t write an article about it on Habré, but this is the only normal way and - I hope - everyone understands this perfectly well. Or are there individuals left in Russia for whom revolutions are not enough? I'd like to think that there are vanishingly few of them.

So why insert the crutch again??
Going to the polls is good, but it won’t help. It is enough to look at the results of opinion polls or talk with people (not with acquaintances, but with strangers) to understand this. It is necessary for every sane person to choose 10 acquaintances and straighten their brains. And then, in 20 years, you can go to the polls.
Sorry for the politico, but…

It is necessary for every sane person to choose 10 acquaintances and set their brains.
In some Moscow, the brains are already straightened out, but this does not make a difference, because a good half of the electorate of the well-known party sits in the villages. You will go to enlighten?

And then, in 20 years, you can go to the polls.
Who can be chosen in the “Putin vs. Zhirinovsky»?

Elections are a fiction by definition. Their task is not to let the people choose a ruler they like, but to let the current government choose a successor so that the people are not indignant. The one who has already won wins.
In some Moscow, the brains are already straightened out, but this does not make a difference, because a good half of the electorate of the well-known party sits in the villages. You will go to enlighten?

So, in fact, this is what the party’s work is - to travel and educate. Or support the party with money for those who travel and educate. And of course vote, swallow, vote. Not only at training camps, but also at party events. Otherwise, everything will be decided for you.
While I was ruling from the tablet, the editing time is over.
Don’t “swallow”, but vote, and don’t “decide”, but decide.
The dictionary on the keyboard is weird, or you missed the buttons.
>>And of course vote, swallow…
>>Not only at training camps, but also at party events.
>>swallow at party events
There's definitely something to this.
Android, but there are so many options to think about :-)
Yes, if you really want to change something, then go and educate. And occasionally even get hit in the face. But this is the only way. It is, of course, easier to rant on forums, especially when the bloody regime and the dictator for some reason allows all this, but this is really the only way. Well, either revolution or dictatorship. It's a matter of taste.
Explain how you concluded from the definition of the election that it was a sham?
This is usually the way people who do not participate in the electoral process think this way. If you knew how much human and material resources the party in power spends in elections, then you wouldn’t have such politically immature thoughts.

I have a lot of friends who are usually called political strategists, and who are engaged in election campaigning for your party in power for your money. So they go to campaign, both across the tundra and remote taiga villages. And if the elections were a sham, no one would go and spend money.
And how much did they spend on buses in Moscow?…
On Habré, politics seems to be prohibited, but networks like I2P are needed to combat censorship and attempts to control the Internet, and they are introduced by politicians, so you cannot discuss one without the other. However, the topic of elections is off-topic.

The elections are a fiction, and money is spent precisely so that you think that this is not so. If people massively ignore the elections or they are massively convinced that the elections are a sham, then the current government will automatically become illegitimate (and there will be a lot of people who want to use this fact for their own purposes, so it will be very difficult to stop the process). That is why so much money is spent on campaigning “be sure to go to the polls, the fate of the country depends on you” and other simulations of democracy. It must be assumed that for now this is cheaper than announcing a change in the social system from democracy to a real one. I think that when the number of people who don’t believe in elections approaches a critical point, democracy will be abolished.

As for I2P acceleration, I don’t even want to see speed measurements so much as a description of the technical changes that made it possible to achieve this acceleration. As far as I understand, until now the only way to really speed up I2P was to increase the number of network users.
I thought it wasn't? I'm in another country, I don't care :)

That’s why so much money is spent on campaigning “be sure to go to the polls, the fate of the country depends on you.”»

I'll tell you a terrible secret. In the last mayoral elections in Omsk, Dvorakovsky won because his headquarters carried out a total campaign not to go to the polls. Social media has shown (and more often than not shows) that protest-minded voters are more likely not to go to the polls than those who believe in United Russia.
If you knew how much human and material resources the party in power spends in elections

So that's what I'm talking about. The wrong voter will be chosen better for the country, and the one who knows how to sell himself better than others (news on state channels can be renamed “trips of the beloved Tsar-Father”), who has more money for self-promotion (it’s no secret which party has more money for campaigning in villages and less clean methods) who has more power to influence voters (my dad is a cop, and in what form they were told who to vote for, I know firsthand). All these “political strategists” are cogs for the authorities to achieve their goals. This whole electoral machine is a way of influencing the population and instilling in them that the chosen one who paid is a guarantee of a better future.

And I’m not saying that it’s so bad in Russia. It’s like this everywhere, in one form or another, even in the States - with the only difference that everything is a little more decent there. But the essence is the same.

A more banal example: search engines are fighting for the purity of search results, for equal opportunities for each site, and for some reason commercial sites for important queries are still sorted in descending order of SEO budget.
The fatal flaw of many opposition-minded citizens is to consider only themselves as “sane”, and everyone else as fools incapable of understanding the truth who need to “set their brains straight.” So we’ll get to a psychiatric conclusion.
In this sense, today's "progressive class" resembles the medieval Inquisition: a claim to possess absolute truth coupled with proselytism. It's a little scary.

Please, don’t try to straighten my brains out, I’ll figure it out on my own somehow..
Because now it’s not a crutch solution to take a weapon and go shoot the Duma and the whole government won’t really help, we need to ruin the country. As practice has shown, other solutions either do not work or take a long time.
For now, our main population is scoops and we have to install crutches like this, so we either install crutches or start a tractor.

And the fact that I2P has accelerated is good.
Shooting the Duma is a revolution. I am sure that there are enough revolutions for Russia.

Yes, it takes a long time, but there is no other way. This is if democracy.

Scoops? The USSR has been gone for 22 years. In addition, these scoops created the second economy in the world at that time. What have the Nesovki created over the past 22 years of freedom and democracy? Maybe it makes sense to listen to these scoops?
These nesovki, if you don't interfere with them, make quite tasty things. And now the scoops upstairs are bothering them. It may not be worth the thought to shoot with weapons, although a Nuremberg-type process with mass lustration does suggest itself, but if it is possible to bring out 500 thousand people in Moscow, then the close circle of these people will betray them to the people.
Which ones exactly? Well, just as examples. There is a website sdelanounas.ru, I open the main page and I don’t see a single project in which scoops are not involved. Perhaps you have them, that's why I'm asking..

Lustration you say? Lustration is described as «a set of legislative measures and the practice of preventing persons disliked by the ruling circles for political, religious and other reasons from entering the administrative apparatus, law enforcement agencies, other important positions and institutions of the educational system».

For what exact reasons will you lustrate? This is not a court, here you need to limit things based on criteria. Those. The guilt of each individual person is not considered, only belonging to a certain group. A clear affiliation is desirable, and not “through intention”».

This time. And two - are you sure that this will change something? Well, some will imprison others, so what? The CPSU was also changed, it became much better?

But I agree, it’s a movement, it’s fun, you can see the result right away, you don’t have to wait. It just doesn't work.

Are you talking about lustration? And who in return?
Brave IT people? These are the same ones from which IT directors hatch, who through one offer to cut a contract for those. support and service?
And don’t talk about the tractor, in the countries of the “golden billion” bribes and kickbacks are simply legalized in a form that minimally shocks the population, plus taxes are withheld from them.
If it is impossible to change power by legal means, only illegal ones remain, and by the way, we don’t have articles for a successful coup d’etat :)
There was already one in 1991, and then everything went downhill again, you know where, when the KGB officer came - that is, the unfinished scoop. And excuse me, you are a soviet - “they created the second economy in the world”, this is called a piss meter, and the most soviet one.
And we have created enough - we have people who think with their own heads and can build their own lives, and not hope that the boss will decide for them, and can safely send this boss - this is much more important than all these exaggerated “stabilities” that we seem to got it now.
Scoops? The USSR has been gone for 22 years.
Yeah - the circus has left, but there are so many clowns left.
That’s why I think that it would be better for people if the country fell apart - they wouldn’t have to be proud of the “biggest country” and other bullshit that they were proud of in the Soviet Union, while sitting in deep ass. Well, our country just hasn’t collapsed enough - it’s still too big - there’s still something to measure against.
The experience of the last century shows that after the collapse of the country, on its outskirts there is a purge of the Russian population for racial and religious reasons..

Of course, you can think in Bryansk, perhaps with good reason, that this will not affect you personally - but where is the solidarity, where is Russian to Russian??

For example, we have a number of people living from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean that is comparable, for example, to the number of residents of one urban agglomeration of Tokyo.

They will be crushed!
In deep ass, you say? Power plants, roads, airplanes, astronautics, and in general industry that still somehow works, have been built in the last 22 years.?

Do you want a small fragment of the USSR? On de problem - welcome to Tajikistan, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and further on the list. There is nothing to measure against, the countries are small, to be proud - well, excuse me, a country without history is not a country, even if it does not exist, it needs to be invented, otherwise it is impossible, so you will have to be proud. And everything else is complete.

Do you want to live in Armenia?
— that is, the scoop is unfinished.
By the way, yes - do you propose to finish off the scoops? Who are the scoops? Who was born before 91? Educated before age 91? Worked until you were 91? Or who is proud of their country? Or how?
I will answer two posts at once.
The only thing one could be proud of was astronautics - after all, they were the first and then went neck and neck with the United States. Only a sick scoop can be proud of Soviet roads - he’s a complete scribe.
Only the Soviet Union can be proud of power plants, airplanes and industry - or do you admit that the USSR was a banana republic, for which building an airplane is a great achievement, then of course, or as the Soviet Union shouts that the USSR was a great country, then excuse me - all developed countries built both airplanes and power plants and developed industry, while they managed not only to “glue tanks”, but also to provide people with a normal standard of living, and not the scribe that was produced in our country under the guise of “consumer goods”».
After this, we have this kind of garbage going on in the post-Soviet space, of course, it’s even worse for the small fragments of the USSR, because we still have at least some type of industry left, and it’s absolutely uncompetitive - we only know how to make weapons, and obsolete ones at that. peaceful goods in the Soviet Union were made on a "f**k" basis».
>Do you want to live in Armenia?
In general, I don’t want it in the entire post-Soviet space, because the countries are sick with the scoop plague and the treatment takes a long time.

The Soviets are communists for the most part - precisely Soviet communists (Marx actually produced so many bricks when they called it communism).
Firstly, these are all those freaks who were in the party during the USSR, and now in 90% of cases they have moved to the United Russia, which is essentially the CPSU-2
Viktor Chernomyrdin: “No matter what party we build, the CPSU still turns out!»
Secondly, all those idiots who are now proud of the scoop in terms of such delusional indicators as the amount of steel smelted, the amount of crap produced by VAZ, which by misunderstanding is called a car, or for example grannies, are still rejoicing at the well-known fact of “sausage for 2.20” and not in able to tie its price to their salary (they usually get shocked when you explain to them that their current pension is higher than their then salary).
Well, there were still people from Soviet trade who were simply not accepted into modern trade because of their working methods, but now this is an extinct class.

And all those who were born/received education/worked - they actually survived, these are Russians.
The Russian people are not responsible for the crimes of the communists; they themselves turned out to be the main victim of their rule.
Clear. Do other countries generally have anything to be proud of? Well, there is England, Canada, France? It turns out that there is nothing either - they didn’t do anything that the others didn’t do. Or is it there??

I understood the Soviets about the communists, but there is a question - are the French, who are proud of France, also scoops? Or what is closer to me - Canadians. For example, before a hockey match they play the Canadian anthem, everyone stands up and many sing. But Canada has nothing to be proud of at all. Canadians are scoops?

Are communists Russian or not? For example, during the Great Patriotic War, most officers were communists, many soldiers were, if not communists, then Komsomol members. Did the people or the communists win the war? According to your logic, it turns out that the communists, and the people have nothing to do with it - “they are not responsible,” etc..

Although I suspect that victory in the biggest war in history, in your opinion, is also not a source of pride. I'm right?
Both others and we have something to be proud of - any country will be proud of its success in sports - by the way, we have nothing to be proud of lately, although in the USSR there was a reason - no one argues here. So actually back then normal people were proud of this, and not of the fact that “the plane was built».
IMHO, it’s quite normal to be proud of some truly outstanding technical achievements - that is, something that exists in a single copy - for example, skyscrapers the level of towers in Malaysia, or bridges that fall into the book of records - you agree, a striking difference from “we built a plane, hurray,” and then it turns out that Europe won’t let him in because he’s old and noisy.

Damn, but the Soviets manage to be proud of the fact that we have built an industry - like any industrialized country, for example, you remembered “Power plants, roads, airplanes, astronautics, in general an industry that still somehow works,” yes, a reason for pride - It’s the 20th century, but we have to have electricity, we have to have roads, we have to lay the asphalt (at random), we have to have airplanes (it doesn’t matter that Boeing’s are better), we have to have industry, not even handicraft labor, but that’s it. a bunch of clones of Western technology, made worse of course, and for some reason people don’t want to “support domestic producers” (read: buy shit) but are trying to bring something from other countries (well, as you know, this is the normal situation of the 70s-80s - just the heyday of the Soviet Union ). That’s something to be proud of here - no, they would remember something normal that one could really be proud of.

The communists there were half-trucks and NKVD officers, whom ordinary soldiers, frankly speaking, did not like.
Of course, the people won the war, despite the incompetence of the command, having paid for it much more than they could have, I will leave the question of whether this victory is a source of pride unanswered, in our country this victory has become simply an icon and well, what the hell, I won’t touch it.
It is not clear why a skyscraper is better than a power plant? They have been able to build skyscrapers for a hundred years, the architect is Argentinean, I don’t know who built it, but I doubt it was the Malaysians. But for some reason they can be proud of it, but Russia cannot be proud of its power plants, built entirely in the USSR. Where is the logic?

Skyscrapers and bridges are being built all over the world, but how many countries can afford a plane for 200 people? The States, all of Europe together, Russia + Ukraine (these are the remnants of the USSR)... Who else?

The USSR not only built industry, but built it in record time under the conditions of various blockades and the reluctance of the West to cooperate with it. Do you feel the difference? And the industry is not about the production of some kind of household crap that can be organized in any village in China, but ships-factories-airplanes. For some reason, the same Chinese are copying our Su, but cannot build their own plane. Isn't it strange?

Have you been to war? How do you know what you didn't like? After all, judging by “paying much more,” you are not even familiar with the number of losses. Where does the information come from about who was loved or not by 10+ million soldiers??

Without history there is no nation. If there is no history, then it must be invented (which many of the countries from the former USSR are now doing). Russia does not have such a problem, so you Russians are forced to forget it. And in general, quite successfully. What's sad.
Nothing, just as an example of a truly unique thing, and they are not particularly proud of it - cultural value.
In the same way, any developed country can build an airplane for 200 people, then.
Now North Korea is even trying to launch a satellite (they seem to have joined our underwater group) - imagine how proud they are, but in developed countries private companies are already doing this.

Regarding short terms - nonsense - we still have a very developed structure of the Russian empire (by the way, Soviet statistics compared everything with 1913).
So we only produced household crap, which even the Chinese were embarrassed to sell to their own people, only for export, and now it’s even dumb for export :) And here we gave out such crap to our own people at exorbitant prices. Who's talking about what, and the scoop about heavy industry.

You weren’t either, it’s just that if you read not only Soviet and Russian sources, but also all the others, then you can get a more realistic picture, and not “the red army is the strongest, period».

He knows that if you study history only from your own sources, then this is already propaganda. In general, okay, not here, if you want to continue the argument - write, otherwise what the hell - there’s no arguing here, in general the topic is about I2P, by the way, I set it up on my computer for home LAN, but there’s not much to do there yet
--In the same way, any developed country can build an airplane for 200 people, then.
What are these? In Europe, no one can do it, only together. What else? Japan - no. China - no.

Which countries?

The structure of the Russian Empire in 1913 after the civil war and NEP? Firstly, Russian industry was in approximately the same state by the year 2000 - either empty workshops with stolen equipment, or trading bases on the territory of factories. Who saved it for the USSR until, say, the 30th year?

Yes, about heavy industry. Because, as everyone now understands, the country may not produce TVs and shoes at all, the Chinese will do everything.

The USSR was criticized - and justifiably - for the fact that a lot of information was closed there. Well, now it is open, many historians work in archives and publish books. With figures and facts, with primary documents and links to archives. But, as it turned out, few people need it!

When I left Russia, I thought about the same as you. I come from a family of repressed people (including one who was shot), my grandfather served under Stalin, he called him Joseph the First, plus the 90s with tubs of compromising evidence…

And after moving, I got cable internet, I learned about network libraries, research began to come out, I began to read. At first my body resisted, but it’s hard to argue with the facts. Here, for example, loss data. Moreover, back in 1970, the Americans calculated the same thing according to statistics at Harvard. Here are the irretrievable losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany: 11.5 million and 8.6 million people, and approximately 3 million of ours were those who died in German captivity, not on the battlefield. Well, where is “paying much more for it than you could”? This is just for example.

Well, etc. This is not a conversation for habr and it is very long. It took me several years to straighten my brains out. What I wish for everyone living in Russia. Otherwise you will simply be crushed.

Russians in general have a problem: Russia is a very large and self-sufficient country, you have very little idea of ​​how they live in other countries, what they know, what they think, how they think. For example, I heard a professor (!!!) in Denmark, who is already 80 years old (!!! - that is, he witnessed almost those events) explain why in Russia they celebrate Victory Day not on May 2, but 9th.

Do you know why, in his opinion? Because the Americans came from the West and liberated the USSR later. This is a professor and 80 years old!

Everyone wanted to give a damn about everyone, including Russia. If the President of the Russian Federation says that Russia has nothing to be proud of, then a video will be on all the news - the Russians themselves admitted that they are crap and suck! I can argue.

Remember the World Hockey Championship in St. Petersburg. A Russian team of NHL stars went there and leaked everything they could. Because what they had on their back was not Great Russia, but a fucking Russian army. And now everything has changed, that’s why they started winning.

A year ago, at the Frankfurt airport, I saw a youth team, as far as I understood, wrestlers. They all look like Dagestanis or something like that. And on the uniform it was not written “Caucasus”, but Russia. And they looked cool!

I have friends here from Russia who came here almost 20 years ago, the child was 3 years old. Until the age of 17, he was embarrassed to say that he was from Russia (he speaks English, naturally, without an accent). And then his parents showed him the Victory Day parade on Red Square. And how they took me to see my grandmother. He saw that Russia doesn’t suck, but it’s fucking cool.

And this is the main thing, without this nothing will happen. Without pride in your country, there will be no tanks, no planes, no websites, there will be just imitations of Facebook and the like. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, it won't happen.
I will give another example that is interesting from my point of view.

An American friend of mine of Japanese descent, who speaks and writes fluent Japanese, was born in the states, but then lived for 15 years in Japan and visited an exhibition in Hiroshima (or Nagasaki - I don’t remember) dedicated to the anniversary of the bombing. And I was surprised to find that there was not a single mention of who dropped the bomb. There was a bombing, but there is no information about who carried out it.

She was very surprised and did a quick search. It turned out that according to polls, 25% of university students (!!!) in Japan believe that the USSR dropped the bombs. What part knows that the Americans were not there, i.e. it is not a fact that 75% think that the states.

Those. The fact of the bombing cannot be silenced, but the authors are not named. And then, as she believes, the logic is this: the USSR is bad, the USA is good, bombs are bad, bombs are USSR.

Or, for example, after the 2006 earthquake and tsunami, CNN mentioned assistance to those affected twice outside the United States in six months, although the states were in the second ten in terms of volume. So the audience got the impression that almost only the states helped.

This is propaganda. Beautiful, professional, designed to last for decades. And that’s why Americans are proud of their country. And they do the right thing, regardless of whether the states deserve it or not..
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
To whom to explain?

No, I don't see it. This is already quite an old post, people have left here, two people are talking. Without passing, no personality. Different people in a democratic society may have different opinions, this is NORMAL.

As long as the conversation doesn't turn to swearing, it's not shit.

So why not talk?
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I support you emotionally. Because after almost every news about the country, the ears turn red. It seems unthinkable to me that I live in this absurdity and I want to stop it instantly. And a forceful solution just suggests itself.
But there is one thing.
There is no forceful solution Creation. The speed with which the change will occur seems to me a direct indication that something is wrong here. More precisely, I think that “go shoot at the Duma” is a reproduction of the same system. Because in the Duma there are bandits who understand “shooting” better than building an economy for the next 200 years (I’m 100% sure that they most likely don’t even think about such numbers due to ignorance, which manifests itself every day). When they die, they still will not realize the mistake, but will think in terms of “not lucky.” It's a different world, it needs to be lived out, not destroyed. Get rid of it by ignoring it and building up horizontal connections. And of course, our main weapon that will truly destroy this darkness is education.
In principle, this is generally my personal dichotomy, between the mind and the heart. Because the heart and emotions want change. I would like at least some enlightenment.
And consciousness says that for this you need to make an effort. An effort whose results are calculated hundreds of years in advance, not just a year.
Please think about it.
ps. nevertheless, I go to the shooting range, learn to shoot and handle weapons. Nobody canceled the bifurcation point.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Don't get me wrong. In general, I once had the opportunity to look into the Russian education system a little “from the inside” and draw some conclusions.
You are right about the terrifying reality. But I am confused by the inaccuracy in terms. Your examples speak of a loss of basic literacy, not education (i.e. they have general semantics, but for specific examples).
And the loss of literacy is directly related to the loss of education as such.
In my comment I meant the concept of education that takes a lifetime and is created throughout life. And it cannot be taken away, but knowledge about it can be hidden. The existing pedagogical system does this with varying degrees of success..
If you use your logic, then people lose their chance only because they “purposefully make morons.” But we do not live in the infinity of the passive voice (forgive me for this poeticism), it is impossible to prohibit thinking - but this is the source of real education. To discourage the desire, to turn a person back into an animal - yes (using, for example, medicine), but to prohibit it - no.
Let sellers of Slavic appearance not know how to add. Sorry, even when they could, it didn't always mean anything. In this case, our task would simply be to create an environment whose degree of educational induction would be so strong that the salesperson in your store started thinking on my own, Do you understand? At this point, all efforts aimed at “making morons,” even if they have been practicing them for at least a hundred years, turn out to be nothing. Once a person realizes reality, the possibilities of stuffing the “genie of education” back into the bottle are zero..
If we take emotions again, then emotionally I believe that any bandits and other dirty tricks, such as “state fools,” do not have a single chance. Education wins. Sometimes even schools and universities (historically: gymnasiums and seminaries). Our development cannot be stopped. Slow down, yes, confuse, yes. Just don't stop. Thinking, making friends, sharing - a methodology that defeats any artificial systems that separate us.
I always laughed when a saleswoman of “non-Slavic” appearance counted on a calculator 50+60+10.

I always laugh at people who deliberately ignore technological advances whose only goal is to offload some of the work from the brain to the machine..
Arithmetic is not an activity that determines a person's personality, literacy or goodness. This is a stupid number crushing that a machine can handle millions of times better than a human..

You are so funny here, once a day you go buy something in the store, and the saleswoman will serve a couple of hundred people like you in a day. What is the point of dividing addition cases into “difficult for a calculator” and “simple in the mind”, if the productivity benefit from them is a maximum of a second, and the financial benefit is completely zero, at least you won’t make a mistake and won’t have to come out of your pocket at the end of the day report to the cashier.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
… Go to the polls. Participate in the political life of the country. Not five minutes, but many, years... - wasted time. The authorities, as well as those who want to take their place, need exactly this, so that we spend the time remaining after work on “political life” and contemplate the idiots.
This is not the only thing, the point is that democracy is the same utopia as communism. She is NOT! There is no democracy in any country in the world. There was real democracy in ancient Rome and in the city-states of the ancient Slavs. That's it, democracy never existed anywhere again.

This in itself is not scary, but we are taught to divide everything into black and white, into bad and good, into communists (or fascists) and democrats... those who really think understand that everything is wrong…
and in the city-states of the ancient Slavs

Yeah, “in the face - yes to Volkhov” is one of the significant manifestations of Slavic democracy.
The Novgorod Veche was also bought by political groups. Although, the system of elected authorities, for that time, was quite advanced and even (in some places) worked.
Cases of bribery also occurred in Roman democracy - these are flaws in the system. But the principles of those democracies reflected true democracy. Today the people have almost no real power. And all these elections are just an illusion - dust in the eyes.
No question - exchange democracy for dictatorship. The fastest economic growth did not occur in democratic countries (USSR, Singapore, South Korea - just off the top of my head).
You too are like everyone else. This is called “from the frying pan into the fire,” from one extreme to the other. Positive and negative aspects can be found in any political system, but we have already gone through all this, why should we repeat it? None of the famous politicians in Russia offer anything worthwhile and this is mainly why I think that going to the polls is a waste of time.

From everything I know, they offer the best for our world THEY, although they have many flaws, but this is at least something.
What specifically doesn’t suit you about Putin? Not in general words, but in numbers and facts.

For example, I have been living in North America for 10 years, I go to Russia once every year or two and see how everything has changed in 10 years. 10 years and now these are two different countries. In general, it’s difficult for me to understand why people who hate Putin are dissatisfied. Well, yes, of course, there are shortcomings and I would like to live better, but when my friend tells me that 2000 USD in payment is not money, when I remember very well that in the same company in the same place 10 years ago he received 200 and drank burnt vodka, and now he has a new car, an apartment and is on vacation abroad (I’m not from Moscow), then I don’t understand him.

And I don’t understand about oil. Canada produces more oil and gas per capita than Russia, but for some reason I don’t see the population’s income growing exponentially. And articles about cutting the dough in the Canadian press too. Where is the money then??

And who said that democracy is better than dictatorship? In Libya, for example, there was (in fact) a dictatorship, but foreign specialists went there to work, now there is democracy there and these specialists are taken out of there with great difficulty.

But if you are a supporter of democracy, you have no choice. Well, or any other choice, this is not democracy.
And I don’t understand about oil. Canada produces more oil and gas per capita than Russia, but for some reason I don’t see the population’s income growing exponentially.
In Canada, hydrocarbon exports do not account for half of the budget; this is probably the reason.
And this is not Canada, these are provinces, they are like separate states, and taxes are paid in the provinces. And oil is produced in Alberta, and in Alberta the export of hydrocarbons is not half, but 100% of the budget. And where is the Albertans' money? For some reason they didn't grow anything either.

I'm not even saying that if Putin and his long-term - I'm not afraid to say - struggle for the abolition of the production sharing agreement, then you would not have seen this money. Or are you against 150 billion a year (this is only taxes to the budget!)?
I am not a supporter of democracy because... I don't believe in her. I will not give any figures or facts, I will only express my opinion.
My opinion, because now there are no worthy candidates, let Putin remain for now and yes, he did something for Russia... only for the abolition of Yeltsin’s “production sharing agreement” he has great respect. But still, Russia has everything to be a prosperous state, but for some reason this is not happening.

Yes, bankers in this World also have much more power than politicians, and Russia is no exception in this regard. And presidents are, by and large, puppets..

Regarding Libya, I agree with you. Those few in our World who try to do something for their people, for some reason end up poorly. And with those few politicians in Russia who want and can really do something for the people, for some reason accidents happen, either a helicopter crashes or a car accident…
Why doesn't it happen? You don’t think that nothing has changed in 10 years? Do you want faster and better? Certainly! And where and who doesn’t want to. But there are objective reasons. Well, subjective too. I believe that corruption is important. Now. But again, this is talked about by people who, without a twinge of conscience, will give a bribe to a traffic cop simply because they are too lazy to go to the bank.

By and large - yes: Obama or Medvedev are puppets, but Putin is not, that’s why he is the problem.

I don’t know who you are referring to... Is the helicopter Fedorov? It is unlikely that he is a politician at the level of the President of Russia. Car accident? Nothing comes to mind.

There are more real people, or there were. The same Primakov, for example. But a bit old. Or Lavrov. He also has nothing to lose, he won’t be allowed to live in a mansion in France, only in The Hague, so he’ll go all the way.

I think the helicopter is about General Lebed.
Damn Stalin reached out? No, it’s unlikely. This is once, and twice, at least in Russia, very smart generals (like Rokhlin, for example) get into politics and become completely helpless.

I saw Rokhlin for the first time in Chechnya, when in a dimly lit room he spoke quietly and calmly... well, very cool! I didn’t understand who it was - there were no insignia visible, and I missed the performance, but it made a very strong impression.

And then he went into politics and began to say (and, probably, do) stupid things.
I simply wrote that the phrase “then the helicopter will crash” most likely refers to Lebed. Still, he received 15% of the votes in the presidential election. And why the helicopter crashed - we will never know, maybe the weather was really bad, maybe the pilot’s wife ran away, maybe “damned Stalin reached out,” maybe revenge for Khasavyurt or (ohoho) Bendery.
It wasn't me who downvoted, I understood.

No, it’s unlikely - usually the simplest reason is the most correct: the belief that the laws of physics are different for different people.
About the car accident - I meant Mikhail Evdokimov. Yes, at that moment in time he was not a presidential-level politician; he was an artist, then he became the Governor of the Altai Territory. But when he became Governor, he did well and there were results.
Who knows, if he had stayed alive, he might have grown to become president :) Reagan was also an actor.
About the helicopter - yes, I meant Alexander Lebed - General, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Presidential Candidate. He is one of the few who really fought against corruption and many were afraid of him. And even if he never became president, he was still a thorn in someone’s side... no matter where.
… By and large - yes: Obama or Medvedev are puppets, but Putin is not, that’s why he is the problem…
One way or another, Putin has obligations to those who brought him to power and it seems that he is fulfilling these obligations. The mere fact that the Central Bank of Russia is the same organization not controlled by the government as the Federal Reserve System in the United States speaks volumes. In my opinion - Putin etc. didn’t really do anything in terms of fighting corruption. And it’s technically simple to make the ruble convertible by simply starting to export resources for rubles - but this is not being done, moreover, almost no one talks about it, and this would be a colossal support for the Russian economy. And he doesn’t do a lot of things, although it would seem he could, perhaps because his power is also very limited.
Gentlemen woldemarus, ZyL, chainik, Geirby, Frosty, poisons, iborzenkov, Mithgol and everyone else in this cozy chat! ) I would like to remind you about one of the rules of the site, namely, that Habr is not for politics. In this regard, I propose to end political discussions in the comments to this topic - create an equally comfortable chat somewhere on Skype and there you can continue the conversation, even with voice and video.
Accepted! :) lost it!
And who brought him to power? As far as I remember, it was Yeltsin. Putin dispersed Yeltsin's team. Who else?

The Central Bank was not created by Putin, as far as I understand, or I’m mistaken?

As far as I understand, selling resources for your own money means stepping on all the calluses of the entire West; it seems to me that Russia is not yet ready for such a confrontation.

With corruption? Serdyukov, for example. But in principle, yes, more is needed. But the problem is that you can’t get rid of it with cosmetic measures; large-scale cleaning is needed. And if these guys understand that they are taken seriously, then they can respond. And corruption exists not only in the economy, but also in law enforcement agencies.
I would be happy to answer, but I received a warning that the hub is outside of politics. So we can continue the discussion in i2p :)
But what about the constant conversations about copyright? Isn't this politics? Even draft laws were discussed.
Disrespectful attitude towards your opponent, getting personal, attributing something that he didn’t say - this is already a classic fight, this is not a discussion, I don’t participate in this.
Forgive me most humbly, if the quote “Obama or Medvedev are puppets, but Putin is not” is not yours, then I make my changes - comment threads are like this.

If the authorship of this statement belongs to you, then it is difficult for me to respect your position, because I perceive any conspiracy theories about the “new world order” and “black nanorobotic helicopters” exclusively as plots of CI and science fiction books.
No, I said that, but there were no commissions or helicopters there (by the way, I don’t know anything about either).
In this case, it will not be difficult for you to answer the question - whose puppet exactly do you consider Obama to be (well, at the same time, tell us about Medvedev, for that matter)?
Obama - big state business. More precisely, not even the states, that would be normal and even good, but transnational companies, i.e. are already actually supranational, which are formally only American, but no longer work for the benefit of their country.

Medvedev - yes, theirs.
And Putin is not friends with transnationals, right? He told you about it personally?

And in general, why is everyone so mad at transnational corporations (and other supra/post-state structures)? They, like states, are different
— He told you about it personally?
Well that's what it's all about?

It’s simply impossible not to be friends with such offices in the modern world. But it’s one thing to cooperate mutually, and quite another to indulge them.

The multinational company is closing jobs in the states and opening them in China. What kind of American is she after this? Yes, it increases the rate of profit, dumping the unemployed on the government/state. Is this beneficial to the state? No. Those. such a company does not work for its country.

And Obama understands this very well, but, despite the enormous power vested in the US President, he does not try to resist.

Putin is trying.
Putin is trying. [citation needed][dubious - discuss]

As for your example, this is a special case, and not as one-sided as you think (in general, what is “beneficial to the state” is a big academic question. Glory to the CPSU, he, as you know, is not a person at all...).
Moreover, you can equally successfully apply your logic to states, following the scheme “state N commits an unsympathetic act Z => away with statesA». There are no spherical transnationals in a vacuum, just as there are no spherical “states” in a vacuum..

By the way, how can Obama be a puppet of all transnational corporations with HQ in the USA at once? It's... logistically difficult…
It may be fun for you to joke about abstract topics in the morning, but the states are Canada’s main trading partner, so I have no time for jokes and laughter. If they do collapse, then Canada will not even fly behind them, but in front of them.
I’ll tell you a terrible secret - if the states “collapse”, it will cover everyone, including Russia, China, Canada, Japan, India and, possibly, even North Korea.

Which, it should be noted, is quite funny…

The global economy is so global, yeah.

It will cover - yes, of course, Canada economically - will cover part of the states, so it won’t cover it, but it will be completely fucked up, and Canada (more precisely, not even Canada, but Canadians, since our prime minister is another poodle, but Obama’s) ) cannot influence the behavior of the states.

All you can do is sit and wait.
I was an observer at these elections of yours. Elections in their current form are not even a crutch. This is a prosthesis for both legs and one arm..
Do you know places where it's different? In many states, observers are not allowed into elections at all; a Texas court ruled to arrest the OSCE commission if it appears at any polling station. Plus the residence requirement. Plus a lot more. I'm not talking about two parties - not a single antimonopoly committee, including in the states, will allow the market to be divided between two companies.

And what? Nothing, no complex.
Please excuse me, but what does the states have to do with it? In general, shifting the conversation to the states is really a litmus test.

But since we’ve already taken on the states, I’ll tell you - yes, in the states it’s different, for some reason I’m sure. There are no official forgeries (up to 4 years, by the way, according to our Criminal Code) in front of indifferent police officers en masse. And here they are happening. Against this background, conversations about the pros and cons of electoral legislation in these conditions look, let’s say, pale.
Because in Habr the states are traditionally considered a bright city on a hill, you just confirmed this - you don’t know whether it’s happening or not, but you’re sure. Where does the confidence come from??

And if your friend bribes a traffic cop, will you report it to the police? No? Is Putin to blame for this? If you see a car running a red light, will you call the police? Etc. and so on…

the car ran a red light, you call the police
It's not enough to call. Without video recording they won’t even scratch it. And even with video recording, it’s not very good, according to the experience of blueberry hunters. Otherwise I would have called. They're pissing me off.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Thanks, I'm trying.

But, firstly, for the sake of habr, for my three points in Russian in the certificate and 10 years abroad, I write Russian quite competently. Secondly, I type on a keyboard without Russian letters, so sometimes I don’t hit the line.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I say - three.

But at least I don’t write “precedent”!
I tried the network for the first time in my life. I don't know what to compare it with. Overall it works much slower than shown in the video.
Perhaps you were lucky with nodes that were located almost locally.
The speed of work awakened in me memories of the era of dial-up Internet.
The I2P router needs time to integrate into the network; it may be slow during the first launches.
The network was turned on for about 2 hours. Yes, she began to work faster, but still much slower.
Leave it for a day. Or better yet, for a week, so that the nodes that turn on during this time (also for a couple of hours) also know your address.
Your ports are open?
To access the network, Dual Access is used (access to the regular Internet directly and to i2p sites through a client)

An image from the external Internet is placed on the I2P site, and someone receives profit in the form of real IP addresses of all sorts of grumps.
And here you need to build a warning into the browser (with an add-on or plugin) if a link or image from i2p leads to the external Internet, similar to when switching from https to http.
There seems to be a long-proven remedy - install 2 browsers, one of which has access only to I2P, and the other only to the regular Internet.
Without crutches somehow…
Well, you understand - if you bypass the classic Internet, then you have something to hide, and if you have something to hide, then we may be of interest to certain services, and certain services, if they are interested in you, will already find out how to find out what you are hiding. This applies to any modification of traffic.

As they wrote above, this is a “crutch” firstly, and a red rag secondly.
I knew two real paranoids who learned the truth so paranoid that they wrote their own bots that create fake crawling activity on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other Facebooks, and they themselves go where they need to exclusively through a cascade of tunnels through external countries.
So here, too, you can create the appearance of using the regular Internet and you won’t prove anything. (:
A noble husband wears robes not because he has something to hide, but because it is socially accepted…
Yes, please cover as comprehensively and in detail as possible the nuances of working via i2p. Many will be grateful for the convenient express tutorial.
It seems to me that such material will be duplicate on Habré
Deputies will be especially grateful.
In general, I think it’s not good that this topic is being covered, it’s not good…
Why? Knowledge of this network does not allow it to be declassified. What's the downside??
History shows us that it is possible to simply ban i2p. With real fines and sentences for storing and distributing this malware.
Based on what? And dpi is very reluctant to define this network. But not all providers have dpi => impossible to block. If they wanted, they could have blocked Tor a long time ago.
I fully support your extremely reasonable arguments, but, unfortunately, they will not prevent our deputies from banning anything. And it’s not even that they don’t know what “dpi” is».
I'm talking about the technical side of the issue, otherwise it will be like prohibition, but still everyone will be lost to zero.
> Based on what? Yes, and dpi is very reluctant to define this network.
Connection probe.

> If they wanted, they could have blocked Tor a long time ago.
Tor and i2p are blocked in China.
You are wrong, only OUT nodes are blocked, i.e. you will not be able to access the external network, i.e. the Internet, but inside the network - please
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Great, but how are you going to block traffic if it is not recognized? or stupidly block everything that is not recognized?
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Notification 2 weeks in advance in writing with attached passport data and a description of which network package will be sent and where. Preferably with a printout of the data. (facepalm)
> You are wrong, only OUT nodes are blocked, i.e. you will not be able to access the external network, i.e. the Internet, but inside the network - please
Isn't it? habrahabr.ru/post/158785/#comment_5438157
There the topic is further developed in the comments…
What is the happiness and difference from ordinary proxies, which are turned on and switched with the first movement of the mouse??
I2P is not a proxy. This is its own anonymous network.
Why a whole network? Use any ananimizer (or just a proxy). I don’t think anyone is really watching you, what you read there :).
They are hiding it from the main illiterate mass of consumers.
You did not understand. There, no one cares about the external Internet, they have their own, in which you can write anything, and you won’t get anything for it.
It would be better to tell why the speed was increased. For example, I don’t see how this can be done using purely software methods without reducing anonymity.
Maybe it’s just that the number of users has increased sharply?
It’s quite obvious that since the last update of the client, it means they fixed the bug that led to low performance.
Not at all obvious. Could they change something in the logic of work?.
Poorly thought out operating logic that leads to suboptimal network speed is a bug.
Okay, this is a feature.
From the official document - everything is simple, we increased the percentage of default transit traffic - thus, here are the improvements in speed and anonymity (the more traffic goes through you, the more the traffic is anonymized)
Where is the link to the "official document"? Please insert it into the post. A post without a single link is very bad.
According to my own feelings, the operating speed has increased from 4800 to 36600. Baud. On the one hand, progress is obvious, on the other hand, we need to speed it up a couple more times before we get to really comfortable work..
A very timely article, but I would like a more complete disclosure of the topic. Personally, I am very worried that for any sneeze it is not clear how and by whom people chosen can be blocked from accessing any sites at any time. Let's leave politics aside, but this is a big problem for business too. For example, I widely use the services Googl and Skype specifically for work, and they, as I understand it, are the first in line to cut off oxygen.
I use services widely Google And Skype

I doubt…
The man described himself. It happens to everyone. (:
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
oh my god, I went there for six months, there were four of us, if you mean irc )
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Google Chrome has a funny bug - when opening a new page, it sometimes lights up the desktop. You have some funny videos there. (Frame 3426 0:01:54.200)
Luiza Make Me S... especially
Those files are not what you thought =)

And yes, I am aware of this bug, it’s a family computer and it’s not always possible to control who and what downloads from it, dividing it into users is not an option. so I’m used to not bothering with who stores what =) but perhaps I’ll go and figure out whose files these are and what’s there?
There's no shame in watching porn.
Although, of course, it’s not worth firing like that)
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Let's write a list of recent videos in your profile. ;)
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
You are speaking immaturely. After all, it is quite normal for a person to relieve small and large needs, but few people show it off. It seems like nothing, but everyone is hiding it.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
There is an amusing subtlety here related to hygiene - it is really advisable to send feces away from fellow citizens since they are hygienically unsafe (even for completely healthy people) due to the microorganisms living there.

Your criteria for maturity also seem quite controversial to me. Theses like yours are typical for those with patriarchal-traditional views (in principle, I am not against the existence of people with such views, but passing off my ingroup belief as some kind of “fundamental” “criterion of maturity”» — bad manners)
It seems to me that you needlessly jumped from discussing the original topic to discussing my views.
There's a fun exercise here: justifying how the statement "there's nothing shameful about watching porn" relates to "patriarchal-traditional views." Go for it my friend.
I'll spend my once-a-day post on something more interesting.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Thank you.
The video has 25 frames with boobs
I installed an i2p router on the server, configured the proxy settings on the work machine, the connection did not work. What am I doing wrong?
And what parameters have you configured, I would venture to guess that the i2p router is available only on local machines by default.
I directly indicated on which interface you need to listen for connections. After this, the proxy for the remote computer never worked, and the management console now writes about incorrect browser settings. Something like you can’t connect to it through a proxy.
Among other things, for three hours now the router has been in the “Router is starting” status and even from the local machine it is impossible to use the network. Transit packets go through me freely.
It is possible through Proxy, most likely the Proxy was not specified correctly and in general, why was it necessary to change the router settings?
I didn't touch the router settings. I only changed the interface on which it is necessary to accept connections from clients. I personally don’t understand why this is such a problem: accepting incoming connections not only from localhost, but also from a remote machine.
Traffic to the proxy is not encrypted.
I think we could let the user take the risk. The network is local, private, secure. Otherwise you will have to install i2p on every machine on the network. Inconvenient. How to connect mobile devices?
Mm? There is no problem doing this if paranoia does not interfere. I switched the proxy to the external IP server and forwarded port 4444 through the firewall - now I log in through Opera Mobile, if necessary.
That's how I am. But for some reason Opera constantly freezes at the stage of connecting to the proxy. Well, that means there is still a chance that these hands are crooked. I'll look into it further.
I only changed the interface on which it is necessary to accept connections from clients here?
I can't watch it now. Tabletop opera, yes.
It is better to use an ssh tunnel to the server. Then, if you tunnel the same ports that the i2p router uses, you don’t even need to change the client software settings.
What stops me the most is Java rather than speed. Why couldn’t you write on something else and then not complain about the speed? (not for the sake of holiwar)
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
What I mean is that it would be better if they aimed not to be an application protocol, but to a lower level. It’s hard to imagine the same TCP/IP being written in Java (of course, it’s not expected to replace it now :)).

One way or another, over time they may come down to performance..
I2P router in C++ in development. It was recently reported that it had already successfully exchanged packets with the official Java router. In general, Java allows cross-platform functionality at the level of a common installation package for Win/Lin.
Good news. One way or another, in Linux you still need to wrap it for the package manager. So cross-platform in this case is relative. Few sites (and/or isolated cases) install software on *nix systems.
> One way or another, in linux you still need to wrap it for the package manager.
It's already wrapped: www.i2p2.de/debian.html
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
By speed: I already wrote about this, I repeat: surfing the main Russian-language resources (rus.i2p, forum.rus.i2p) is subjectively no different from surfing the big Internet. on torrents, with proper integration and proper settings of the i2p router and a sufficient number of seeders, speeds of hundreds of kilobytes per second are achieved.

I would like to note that the speed of access to sites in i2p is regulated, in particular, by setting the number of intermediate points in the server tunnel to this site. That is, we have, for example, three points - the site loads slower for users, but it is almost impossible to find it (useful for sites with very “fried” content), but it works slower The site has 0 intermediate points - it is theoretically detectable, but it works reactively (it is used on sites where the anonymity of the site itself is not important, the main thing is that users are undetectable).

To access the network, Dual Access is used (access to the regular Internet directly and to i2p sites through a client) this is implemented through Privoxy, if anyone is interested in this, I can tell you in the next article.

Firstly, redundantly: the router itself performs all privoxy functions.

Secondly, it’s dangerous. Big Internet and i2p should be separated into different browser profiles, or better yet, into different profiles under different users. Otherwise, the first serious vulnerability in the browser will allow you to be tracked.

I would also like to note for everyone: I2P is not for accessing Internet resources!. Yes, it has the ability to raise an outproxy, in fact a gateway to the big Internet. But it’s not even that it’s not the main function - it’s an anachronism left to popularize i2p. outproxy systems die out regularly and no one promises you their functionality. That's not what the network is for.

Looks like the 100m that I give to the net. They made themselves known )))))

No, quite the opposite. The benefit to the network is not so clearly measured. Look at the actual load on your channel and how many transit tunnels there are. There is an opinion that routers prefer to build tunnels through those routers that more fully use the transit channel allocated for i2p and where most of the channel is allocated for transit.
Easier and on your fingers:
Suppose my Internet is 20 megabits. You have 100. I allocate 5 megabits for IP, transit - 90%, you - 100 megabits, transit 50%. When connecting, other routers look at the stats of our routers. They see that my transit is set to 90% and they are more willing to connect to me. After a week of launch, my router is loaded with several thousand transit tunnels at 80% of the transit. Yours most likely passes well if there are 1000 transit tunnels in the area and less than 10% of the exposed transit.
In general, the advice is to look at the real load of the channel with transit traffic and set it to two or three times more and transit at least 80%. When transit creeps up, change speed limits accordingly.
By the way, thank you for supporting the network..
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
You need a version of a special Linux distribution that can be loaded from an encrypted flash drive using a password, and that connects to the Internet ONLY via i2p - then it will be a safe solution.
If anything, I pulled out the flash drive, there was “white noise” on the flash drive, and from the outside there was just chaotic meaningless traffic.
Something similar: liberté linux
Similar, yes, but not exactly the same. For now, all systems are “semi-safe”, that is, they ensure the safety of individual sections of the system, but not all work with the system as a whole..
I do not understand you. Load Liberte from the LUX partition of the flash drive, get exactly what you wanted.
You may be right, we need to study more.
The question is: if you configure the Internet in the system, will it start sending HTTP messages to the outside? For updates and stuff? That is, I would like to have a white list of applications in the system that are allowed access to the outside, and this access should only be through i2p, tor or another solution that hides the recipient and the composition of the communication.
«All Internet connections using the iptables firewall pass through a chain of TOR nodes, which ensures anonymity on the Internet.»

Take iptables and edit the rules as you need, if you are not satisfied with the default. This is Linux…
If I install i2p, how can I make sure that no one downloads anything from the regular Internet through me, like through a proxy??
In order for someone to download through your machine from the regular Internet, you need to install outproxy. Until you do this, no one will access the regular Internet through your i2p router, not even you. www.i2p2.de/faq.html#exit
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